Lazy celeb Halloween outfits

Boo – and not in the fun Halloween way, in the showing disapproval and contempt kind of way

Lazy Halloween outfits covered by devil emojis

by Ben Pulsford |
Updated on

There's just no excuse really, is there? Not only are the vast majority of them rich and pretty, but they get free stuff sent to them ALL THE TIME. As far as we're concerned, Halloween is a time for mere mortals like us to be lazy af with our Halloween looks because quite frankly, we're poor and uninspired – but those celebs have no excuse. If they're not serving Heidi Klum levels of effort each and every year, we take issue.

And yet, some of them take the easy way out time and time again, and because we're dead nice, we let it slide – well not this year. Despite our love for virtually everyone named and shamed in this article, these lazy Halloween looks are just unforgivable.

To summarise: Boo – and not in the fun Halloween way, in the showing disapproval and contempt kind of way.

In no particular order, and with no context, nor explanation...

Chloe Brockett

Playboy bunny

Lauren Simon


David 'Temps' Templer

Budget Jigsaw

Claudia Fogarty


Ron Hall


Love Island boys

Laziness all round tbh, but it's giving generic boyband at X Factor Halloween show vibes

Molly Marsh



Alex Bowen

Grim Reaper


Casey O'Gorman



Amber Wise



Abi Moores

Dark angel


Kodie Murphy

WATCH: Mitch and Ella B: 'The editors couldn't find proof' - unaired rows & days off | Love Island Secrets

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