Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield’s 29 funniest This Morning moments

We take a look back at Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield's best and funniest moments EVER on This Morning...

Holly Willoughby Phillip Schofield

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Updated on

When you think of the world's best job you probably think of being a parent, travelling the world or getting a good pay cheque but we have to admit we've always been envious ofHolly Willoughbyand Phillip Schofield's job on This Morning.

The duo manage to make an early morning job look like so much fun. Since the pair began to co-present the show in 2009 they sure have cheered up our mornings, given us major fashion inspiration and of course, over the years we've laughed hysterically with them.

Check out: Inside Holly Willoughby and Dan Baldwin's London home


Holly Willoughby house - SLIDER

Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin1 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Holly Willoughby and Dan Baldwin's home

Slide to see inside Holly and Dan Baldwin's house...

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home2 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Wowza! We need a kichen counter like this in our house!

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home3 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

This picture pretty much sums up Mum Life

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home4 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly Willoughby posing with her fire burning in the background is making us VERY jealous

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home5 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly chilling in her bed

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home6 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

We're getting major Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys vibes from this pic

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home7 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Even Holly's kitchen utensils are stylish

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home8 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly's cat just chilling in a hat

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home9 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

It looks like Holly and Dan are fans of grey furniture, hence the flooring and chair (and colour co-ordinated pet - this is Bluebell)

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home10 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Aww! Holly's other cat Teddy is looking VERY snug

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home11 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

We're surprised Holly's bedding looks so... normal?

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home12 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

It looks like Holly has patio doors in her house

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home13 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

We want personalised mugs

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home14 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly's cats beds look better than ours!

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home15 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

It looks like Holly loves colourful kitchenware

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home16 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

And she's got a stove fit for cooking up a storm (which it looks like she enjoys!)

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home17 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Even Holly's dessert looks amazing

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home18 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

There's those grey accents again

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home19 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly and Dan are heading out and their cup choice is err, child friendly...

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home20 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Is this cat playing hide and seek?

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home21 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

We spot grey curtains in the background

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home22 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

We're a fan of the fake flowers (we reckon she saves a fortune on them)

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home23 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly and Dan's garden looks pretty big

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home24 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Sorry, but where are Holly's dishes?

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home25 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Aww! The kids are just chilling at home

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home26 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Here's a little Christmas tree decoration inspo

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home27 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

She's even got a rainbow bauble

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home28 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Her rug looks snug (it's also grey if you haven't noticed)

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home29 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

It looks like Holly lets her pets on her furniture too

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home30 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Aww! Family hugs in the morning are the BEST

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home31 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

As Holly said alongside the Instagram post, it pretty much sums up her life

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home32 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Look what one of her little left her and Dan in their bed

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home33 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

So, who's photobombing who here?

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home34 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly and her kids making slime... they're all pretty tidy to be fair

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home35 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Even her garden looks incredible

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home36 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

Holly and Harry playing Chess... can they teach us?

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home37 of 37
CREDIT: Instagram / hollywilloughby

Inside Holly Willoughby Dan Baldwin home

In March 2021, Holly started a bit of gardening...

We've seen them cry with laughter, cut quickly to a VT because of their giggling and we'll never forget when they presented the show still drunk from the NTA's… So we decided to round up Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield's funniest TV presenting moments EVER!

1. That time Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield lost it after interviewing the 18 hour orgasm couple

Holly and Phil never fail to fall into fits of giggles and this time was no different.

After the pair interviewed a couple who regularly have 18 hour long orgasms (yes, really) the pair started giggling when Holly pretended to take down notes of the couples website. They took things up a knotch when they literally couldn't contain their laughter after Phil said: "Still to come..."

It's safe to say they literally couldn't finish their lines and the show had to cut to the ad break! Watch the video from 5:05.

2. The one where Holly's makes an innuendo about Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness

Now, Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness are usually funny but pair them with Holly and Phil and things get even funnier. The duo appeared on the show to promote The Keith and Paddy Picture Show but everyone was left in stitches of laughter when Holly let an innuendo slip.

Speaking to Keith, she told him: "This seed was actually sown in your bedroom when you wa-"

The TV presenting duo fell into a fit of laughter's with Paddy asking "What has happened to this show?"

Phil jokingly asked: "What are you doing?"

3. That time where Holly sat on Phil's hand

It's not just onscreen that the presenters get the giggles but off camera too. Holly and Phil were cracking up after they finished reading out what's happening on the show, they went on to reveal that during their VT Holly accidentally sat on Phil's hand – cue uncontrollable laughter.

4. The one where Holly's slightly loopy

We've noticed that Holly has an infectious laugh and this video of her going slightly loopy just proves it. From being unaware that they're going live on TV after the ad break to discovering that the cupboards in the This Morning studio are actually real; she has had some hilarious moments on the show.

5. The one where the ponies pooed live on This Morning

One of the funniest moments on This Morning was back in July 2017 when the pony pooed live on television and they couldn’t stop giggling.

6. The one where Holly fell to the floor in laughter

Back in June 2017 after drinking the world's strongest coffee Holly and Phil fell into fits of laughter, so much so that Holly literally dropped to the floor laughing. Phil later revealed it's so she doesn't wet herself on live television!

Gosh, we love these two.

7. The one where they had to say Gwyneth's tidy pantry

We will never forget the time Holly and Phil struggled like hell to say 'Gwyneth's tidy pantry'. They could barely get their words out and couldn't stop laughing while they were recording a promo on how organised Gwyneth Paltrow's pantry is. Nine takes later (we think) and they finally managed to record it.

8. The time they presented This Morning after the NTA's

When you think of Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield presenting one day in particular comes straight to our minds and that's when they turned up to the TV studio tipsy/hungover in their outfits from the National Television Awards.

After the NTA's the pair revealed they went back to Ant McPartlin's house to celebrate and played the game Pie Face. They managed to get through the whole ITV show without having any sleep as well – total pros.

9. The time they did shots on Loose Women!

If you've religiously watch This Morning, you'll know how fond Holly and Phil are of their favourite alcoholic drink – Tequila! While the duo appeared on Loose Women to discuss their television marriage they did shots on the ITV show and Phil didn't even wince when he downed his – legend.

10. The time Sandy Clams got stuck in their throat

This was a hilarious and unexpected moment on This Morning. After Phil coughed, Holly asked him if he had "sandy clam stuff in his throat," which of course led them into a giggling fit. What made it even funnier was the strange noise Holly made with her throat. The pair literally couldn’t stop laughing they even needed tissues to wipe their tears.

11. That time Holly Willoughby nearly cried her eyelashes off

While the This Morning presenters were asking viewers to contact them if they've ever sent the wrong text to the wrong person they started laughing about something inappropriate they couldn't say on air. Unfortunately for them it was then time to read from the auto-cue and poor Phil couldn't talk properly because he was giggling so much and that of course set Holly off. They were laughing so much Holly had to sit down and to make things even better she admitted she had almost cried her eyelashes off. Bless.

12. The one where Phillip Schofield told Katie Hopkins: "Isn't your child called India?"

Nothing was funnier than Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield's reaction to Katie Hopkins discussing children's name. During the episode Katie explained she believes you can tell a lot about a child from their moniker. She then revealed the type of names she doesn't like: "I don't like footballer's names, I don't like names after seasons of the year, I don't like geographical location names, celebrity names."

Phil then stepped in and pointed out that her daughter's name is India but she denied it being related to a location. Righttttt.

13. The one where they wore Chewbacca masks

Whether you're a fan of Star Wars or not everyone found it funny when Holly and Phil tried on Chewbacca masks.

14. The one with "Cockermouth"

Remember the time the TV duo uncontrollably laughed after Holly revealed she was surprised she remembered the word Cockermouth? Phil then mocked her for being able to remember the word too easily. These two and their innuendos...

Watch the video from 2:10 minutes.

15. The one where Gino D'Acampo called his grandmother a "bike"

Another hilarious moment was the time Gino D'Acampo made the duo a delicious meal and when Holly commented that if it had ham it would be closer to a carbonara, the TV chef didn’t find the funny side of it and instead said: "If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike."

Holly and Phil (and everyone else in the television studio) found the innuendo HILARIOUS and immediately burst into fits of laughter. We don't blame them either, it was pretty funny.

16. That time the puppy Clover dragged Holly Willoughby around the studio

The presenting duo had a lovely guest on the show back in 2016 – a puppy named Clover. The segment was adorable but it soon turned funny after Phil threw a toy for Clover to play and the cute dog dragged Holly along to get the toy.

17. That time Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield read the Emmerdale script

Love Holly and Phil? Are you also a fan of Emmerdale? Well the This Morning presenters treated viewers and read an exclusive sneak peek of an Emmerdale episode before it aired. Holly played Leyla Harding and Phil read Nikhil Sharma's script. It was definitely entertaining watching Phil "seduce" Holly.

18. The one with the soup innuendo

One of our favourite innuendo's on This Morning was the time when Holly and Phil were talking about making their own soup. After Phil said: "I've never whizzed it over the kitchen."

Holly replied: "I should hope not."

Holly could barely continue reading her script after that. Gosh we love them.

19. The one with Gino D'Acampo and "forking"

We can't forget the time Gino told Holly and Phil to "fork" the spaghetti (twiddle it) which sounded a lot like an inappropriate word. Holly couldn't stop laughing and neither could we.

20. That time Holly Willoughby said: "Once it's in I love it"

Holly was a little apprehensive to eat one of Gino's meals but she managed to try out it and say a hilarious innuendo during the process. After eating it, she said: "Once it's in I love it," cue a lot of laughter.

21. The one where Holly Willoughby said: "Can you do me?"

During an interview with the Real Life Sherlock Holmes - who can read people's minds - Holly asked him: "Can you just stay and do me?"

After noticing the innuendo, she began laughing and Phil joked: "You are impressed."

Watch for 2:10 minutes.

22. The one where Holly Willoughby was on her phone on LIVE television

During the duo's interview with astronaut Tim Peake she thought they were rehearsing and starting to film Phil on her phone. Little did she know they were actually recording live television. She managed to style it out though.

23. That time Holly Willoughby said "Sp--k" on This Morning

Holly Willoughby

While Holly was attempting to read out a funny comment from a viewer she accidentally said an x-rated word. Struggling to read the message, she said: "My son thinks pink mushrooms… thinks sp—k mushrooms," she then covered her mouth and started giggling after realising what she said.

24. The one where Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield teased I'm A Celebrity campmates

One of our favourite television programmes ever has got to be I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! In 2016 they definitely had the best series purely because all the campmates got on really well. Throughout the show the campmates - who have been living on rice and beans - are typically starving and during a live This Morning interview Holly and Phil couldn't resist teasing the campmates with their favourite meals. Oh, those two…

25. The one with the 'Willy Wanging'

It might not have been Holly and Phil but it was on This Morning and Holly Willoughby and Ben Shepherd hysterically laughing over 'willy wanging' will ALWAYS be funny. When Holly and Ben were reminiscing over welly – we repeat welly - wanging, Holly admitted: "I've never Willy Wanged since then," cue Ben, Holly and the whole TV gallery crying of laughter.

26. The one where This Morning talked sex toys

Plenty of This Morning viewers were outraged during a segment on the show which saw Holly and Phil discuss sex toys. But the pair had a giggle after Holly accidentally made an innuendo when she explained that the statistics "have gone up."

27. The time where things got awkward between Phillip Schofield and Kim Woodburn

One of This Morning's most infamous moments was Kim Woodburn's appearance on the sofa. After her turbulent time in the Celebrity Big Brother house at the beginning of 2017 Phil and Holly interviewed the How Clean Is Your House star about her CBB stint. It wasn't long before things took a turn for the worst after Phil pointed out that Kim might have got on better with her housemates if she was nicer. Kim was not impressed and it wasn't long before things became uncomfortable. Luckily Holly saved the day and made a light joke towards the end of the interview.

28. The one where Danny Dyer shows Holly Willoughby his balls

Holly's funny moment's don’t stop at This Morning though, in 2016 Danny Dyer appeared on Celebrity Juice and things took a strange turn when he showed Holly's his balls. After Keith Lemon asked the EastEnders actor if he has a massive ball, he replied: "I got one massive b-llock, yeah one massive b-llock. It’s a mad thing yeah. It weighs a f--king ton.

"I’d love to wack it out. Can I wack it out?"

Everyone on the TV set was shocked when he actually wacked it out.

29. The one where Iris discussed her sex life

It had been a while since Holly and Phil fell into a fit of giggles but following a chat with 80-year-old Iris they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After Iris insisted her relationship with her 35-year-old toyboy was legit she went on to describe their first night together.

"It was very rough. Nobody’s been near me for 35 years, I felt like a virgin again. We used a whole tube of KY jelly."


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In other Holly Willoughby news, she left her Instagram followers devastated when she announced she quit her lifestyle brand Truly. On Instagram, she wrote: "After much consideration, I have made the decision to step away from Truly.

"To launch a brand needs total dedication and at the moment, with so many other commitments, this is not something I feel I can do without it starting to affect my family time at home.

"I wish Truly all the success for the future."

What's your favourite moment of Holly and Phil presenting? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

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